Manage Listing Contacts

By adding a listing contact to a listing, you give that contact the ability to edit that particular listing. The contact will also appear as a co-lister on the listing unless you specify otherwise. Listing contacts can only be added at the individual listing level. They have ability to edit any individual listing to which you add them, but not all of your listings.

  1. Access Marketing Center from within the menu of,, or directly at
  2. From the My Listings tab, find the listing and click the Edit Listing button
  3. Click the Contacts subhead
  4. Click the ‘Add a Contact from Your Firm’ button or ‘Add a Contact from Another Firm’ and search for the person.

  5. Once added you can designate each contact’s role as Broker or Owner
  6. You can choose not to show the contact as a co-listed by un-checking the box next to Display on Listing Profile.

  • Re-order how the contacts appear on the listing detail page by clicking on the three lines to drag and drop in a new order.
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